Aluminium Verladeschienen

Für jeden Einsatz die passende Verladehilfe. Großes Sortiment an Auffahrrampen und Verladeschienen in verschiedenen Ausführungen. 

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Aluminium Überladebrücken

Große Sortimentsvielfalt im Standard-Programm. Professionelle Planung von Individuallösungen.

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Aluminium Rollstuhlrampen

Mehr Mobilität mit witterungsbeständigen und hoch belastbaren Alu Rampen und Verladesystemen für Auto, Wohnanlagen und Industriebedarf.

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Aluminium Gangway

Im Hafen, am Steg oder am Ponton. Für jedes Manöver die richtige Verladehilfe mit Altec Gangways.

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For every loading situation there is a correct solution.

Only Altec have a product range wide enough to suit most applications.

If you can’t find what you need we will design and manufacture the best solution for you.

At Altec we believe the most important factors are experience, cost and safety.

All of our products are certified and agree with the rules laid down by our chamber of commerce.

The capacities shown on this Website are calculated for two axle vehicles with a weight distribution of 40% to 60%.

For single axle vehicles the capacity is reduced to 60% of that shown.

All capacities are calculated with a safety factor of 2.1.

From design to production we offer top quality, made in Germany!

Anschrift EN


Altec GmbH
Rudolf Diesel Straße 7
D-78224 Singen

Telefon   +49 (0) 7731 / 8711-0

E-Mail   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

International EN
